The market is not the problem, the marketer is.
Everything has the potential to sell itself in the market place even the foolish thing you can ever think of. Its ability to sells is dependant on its "packaging, branding, promotion and marketing". Let me bring it down to the Christian Community where I belong to, more even, down to the Music Industry. Our songs can sell on any platform in the world if we want it to, but our packaging, branding, promotion and marketing plays an important role in the realization of this fact.
God will never do for you what he has empower you to do. He have done enough is giving you the inspiration to write that song, He has also done more in granting you access to the Holy Spirit which shows you everything you need to know on your project, I doubt if God will also come to package the song or brand it for you, or even come to promote and market it for you. I have seen the worst songs sell in the Music Industry in terms of "circular songs".
If we carry the mind of Christ in us, we should be doing even more better than what they are doing out there. Pay attention to content and raise up to this challenge. We can't take over the world for Christ if we overlook this little things in the Music Business.
Remember the market is not the problem, neither is the marketer is, but the owner of the brand.
Let's stand up to the challenge and do the needful, God cannot be put to shame when He has given us all that pattern to life and godliness.
2 Peter 1:2-3 KJV
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.
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