How to Be a Good Singer
1. Work With a Professional
Listening to what friends have to say or reading blog posts can be helpful but when it’s time to take the next step, you’re going to need a Vocal Coach of some kind.
When you’re first starting to improve your singing skills, that person might be a Teacher in school or perhaps someone else you know who has been singing for a long time.
2. Breathe!
Breathing properly and in time is key to delivering an on-point vocal performance and it is something you will have to master if you want to be a good singer. Breathing is also, sadly, something many of those just starting out as singers don’t think about nearly enough when really it’s one of the first things that needs to be mastered in order to improve.
You should take time to practice breathing (a sentence that sounds funny but is actually sound advice) before every performance. In fact, if you’re really committed to becoming a great singer and potentially pursuing this as a serious hobby or even a career later on, you should find time every day to practice just breathing properly, studying when to take breaths, for how long, and understanding how long you’ll need to hold a certain amount of air in your lungs.
3. Warm Up
Many people don’t think of singing as using a muscle but you are putting strain on parts of your body so you should take your time and stretch before every performance, just as athletes do.
You’ll need to learn vocal exercises and you’ll probably feel a bit silly doing them when you first begin but know every great vocalist takes part in this tried-and-true ritual and it is absolutely worth your time and initial slight embarrassment, which will disappear after a while.
4. Drink Good Beverages Before Singing
The most important thing to keep in mind is you need to drink water. It’s simple to say, and it’s a piece of advice everyone has heard many times before, but water is key, and you should already be finding ways of subbing in other drinks for pure water throughout the day.
In addition to regular water, you can also go for green tea (without caffeine — this is important) or water with a fruity additive like lemon. These two are better for you if warm (not too hot) but regular old water is still the best thing to stick to regularly.
5. Stay Away from These Bad Items.
Water and tea are the best things for you and your vocal chords, but what are the worst things?
When it comes to foods, you need to stay away from anything with dairy, anything sugary, and especially spicy menu items for hours before a vocal performance.
In terms of drinks, anything with caffeine can dry you out, which is exactly the opposite of the water suggestion mentioned above. Teas with caffeine, as well as coffee, are not ideal to drink before you sing, even if it’s just a warm-up.
6. Practice, Practice, Practice
No matter what you are working on being better at — dancing, writing, painting, playing an instrument, or singing – you need to do it all the time. If you’re only singing every few days or even less frequently, that might be enough for you to enjoy the pastime or to be good at your hobby, but you won’t advance very far with that level of activity.
If you want to truly improve your vocal skills and become a great singer, one who might be able to go to school specifically for singing and potentially one day have a career doing so, you’re going to need to sing every day.
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N/B: This write up is by Hugh Mcintry and was used for the purpose of learning and education a community of music artiste. You can get full details HERE.
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